Travis R. Rodak
Deputy County Attorney
Georgia Rogers
Juvenile Services Coordinator
Juvenile Petitions:
The Cheyenne County Attorney’s Office is responsible for the enforcement of Nebraska’s Juvenile Code as it applies to issues related to Abuse/Neglect (protective custody), Dependency (illness or disabilities), Delinquency (misdemeanor or felony offenses), and Status (truancy, uncontrollable behavior, etc).
A juvenile is defined as someone who was under eighteen years of age when an event occurred.
Cheyenne County Diversion Program:
Juvenile pretrial diversion programs are based on the belief that not all cases are best handled through a formal court process. Juvenile pretrial diversion is a voluntary program available to youth charged with an offense. Youth are referred to a pretrial diversion program by the Cheyenne County Attorney who determines the eligibility of the alleged offender. Participation diverts the youth from involvement in the juvenile justice system and into a program that offers a continuum of requirements and services. Juvenile pretrial diversion is a positive alternative to Juvenile Court and can provide more appropriate methods of treating juveniles charged with an offense, and provide better outcomes for the youth. The end result of successfully completing a juvenile pretrial diversion program is dismissal or non-filing of the diverted case.
Cheyenne County Truancy Program:
The truancy diversion program assures that all students have access to opportunities to succeed through a quality education. After ten (10) unexcused absences the school will meet with the student and family and coordinate a collaborative plan. If there is no improvement in attendance the school will then refer the student to the Juvenile Services Coordinator for assistance. The coordinator will work closely with the family and student to reduce any barriers that may be preventing the student from attending school regularly. This is a positive alternative to the juvenile court and can provide better outcomes for youth.
Cheyenne County Family Support Program:
The Family Support Program helps identify and accepts referrals of youth and their families who may benefit from assistance with a variety of needs. Through the program, families are made aware of and referred to possible services and providers for help regarding issues such as: housing, transportation, medical services, mental health services and evaluations, employment, education, mediation, nutrition, parenting, alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, legal services, and translation services. The goal is to individualize programming and services to aid families, to help youth and their families gain the skills and resources necessary to avoid future system involvement, and to improve family function and youth success.